How to survive your next trust account audit with LexVeritas
The Solicitors Trust Account is one of the foundations of most law firms. Whilst essential to the firms’ operations, it also has the potential to be a compliance mine field. Join us for a CPD eligible session where LexVeritas’ Head of Trust Accounting, Beverley Mc Sween, who has over 40 years’ experience working with law […]
Proactive Cyber Security Strategies for Small Law Firms with LexVeritas
The cyber landscape is changing, law firms of all shapes and sizes are directly in the crosshairs of threat actors who have more sophisticated tools at their disposal than ever before. It is no longer good enough to think ‘the IT guys will save me’ – building cyber resilience for yourself and your firm needs […]
Tax Planning 101: What to know before 30 June – Southern Cross Business Advisers
For anyone who pays income tax, has structures and affairs that are managed by an accountant, this is an unmissable event. Too often, the accountant is seen as a “once a year” professional to get your taxes done. In an environment where tax and government enforcement action is the highest it has ever been, education […]
Lav Chhabra – Estate Planning for Complex Families
In this session, Lav Chhabra (Principal, Perpetuity Legal, Lonsdale Street) guides us through the best practices for navigating estate planning discussions with complex family situations. This includes frameworks for the use of testamentary trusts and a focus on the importance of correct nominations within a super fund (both retail & SMSF).
James Ryan – Keeping it Commercial: Commercial leasing issues that can cost you
For this Clarence Professional Development Session, we were joined by James Ryan, the founding partner of Speirs Ryan, for a discussion on commercial leasing issues. There is nothing worse than when a lawyer responds to a negotiation issue telling you a clause is ‘standard’ – as if that somehow addresses the concern raised. This discussion […]
Meldon D’Cruz – Buying or selling a business – steps involved from a legal perspective

For this Clarence Professional Development Session, we were joined by Meldon D’Cruz, Principal at Cruz Legal. Meldon provided a comprehensive overview of the key steps for practitioners to be aware of when advising clients on acquiring or disposing of a business. Using a case study, the following was discussed: Identifying commercial risks and managing commercial […]
Jennifer Grey – Confiscation Tips for Criminal Solicitors
Grey Legal is one of only a few Victorian Firms that specialises solely in Proceeds of Crime and Confiscation Law. Property confiscation is a unique area of law, requiring a combined knowledge of criminal law, property law, and civil litigation. In this session, Jennifer discusses: Insight and general knowledge into the Confiscation Act 1997; Understanding […]
Nick Mann and Megan Caines – An Introductory Guide to Personal Injury Claims
Nick Mann and Megan Caines of Polaris Lawyers join us for an introductory session on personal injury claims and compensation that can help you better guide and advise your clients. Find out the answers to questions you’ve always wanted to ask. Topics of discussion include real and practical scenarios of personal injury claims and their […]
George Spiliotis – Employment Law Essentials
For this Clarence Professional Development Session, we are joined by George Spiliotis, Director at Spiliotis Legal. In this session, George discusses a number of employment law issues from an employer’s perspective including: Hiring and Firing (and what’s in between) Non-Competes and Confidential Information Dealing with the Fair Work Ombudsman Unfair Dismissals and General Protections Claims […]
Blair Pleash – Insolvency Framework, Insolvency Reforms, and Key Decisions
In this Clarence Professional Development Session, we are joined by Blair Pleash, Partner at Hall Chadwick. Blair has extensive experience in corporate insolvency including voluntary administration and court liquidation as well as in personal insolvency work under the Bankruptcy Act. Blair has also worked extensively for secured creditor clients in receivership, pre lending review and […]