Has COVID sounded the death knell of the traditional physical office?
The transition of working from a physical space in the CBD, to working from home saw mixed reactions from businesses. But now that the dust has settled it seems that for most, working from home will only complement office work, not replace it.
The idea of a truly virtual law firm is nothing new, however some firms found the migration to a virtual WFH platform raised some questions they did not know needed answering.
- How do you keep your employees engaged when they feel disconnected when working from home?
- How do you avoid the perils of “zoom fatigue” and other hurdles with collaborating remotely?
- How do you compensate for the absence of rewarding social interaction with your team in the office?
Reports suggest that the work-from-home honeymoon is over with the lure of Netflix and domestic duties starting to take hold. Team members yearn for more than just “face time” with colleagues and clients. They miss how in-person interactions facilitate collaboration and creativity.
Your relationship with clients is ultimately based on trust. Despite best efforts and advances in video-conferencing technology, many find that this trust is better built organically with face-to-face communication.
Flexible space operators like Clarence have seen a spike in members returning to work to the physical office, as working from home starts to lose its appeal.
Clarence provides a complete ecosystem designed for businesses to enable a healthier, more flexible and collaborative approach to the way a business operates. Independently but part of a larger network.
So what are the benefits of working in a flexible space?
Many business owners have used this opportunity to streamline their business and move away from long-term traditional leases. Clarence offers short-term, even month-to-month, options that are customised to your firm’s needs at a fraction of the cost, so you can still meet the collaborative requirements of your team without committing to the costly liabilities of a traditional long-term lease in a period of economic uncertainty.
Mental health
Combat the work from home blues. Feeling isolated, even within a small team, can be detrimental to productivity and long-term mental health. Being around a community of like-minded professionals is vital for stimulation, creativity, and well-being.
Surround your firm with like-minded professionals who run their own business and are keen to collaborate. Regain lost value in referrals and networking while you were working-from-home. Clarence holds regular community and professional events that build camaraderie, strengthen connections, and facilitate active referral networks.
Clarence has been providing flexible office space solutions to law firms since 1993 and has invested in a modern fit-out and an expert business support team in a collaborative environment, so members can focus on their clients and streamline their costs.
To find out more about the flexible space options available to you at Clarence, reach out to a workspace advisor today at ua.moc.puorgopc@seiriuqne or 1300 210 831.